Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Last Lecture

So January and February were very busy months. So a short book like this ended up being shelved for a bit. I enjoyed it accept for some of the "logical viewpoints-tips"t on living- he is a scientist, I am a psychologist, two different personalities to looking at life. I was surprised by the sense of happiness the author had as he looked back at his life nearing the end of it. At the end of the day what would make a satisfied, well fed, happy with the middle type of life? I think his focus on passion, family, and service say it all. It gets you thinking, though. At the end of the day I hope I look back on my life with fulfillment. The main message of the book is fulfilling your childhood dreams. And so I thought back about mine. A growing dream all my life was being able to counsel with children which is my career and passion. Another dream was finding love actually the fairy tale soul mate happily ever after type. Yes I know modern day psychology and church leadership frown upon this idea of love, but anyone who knows me knows I was always in love with love, as "unrealistic" as that may be. The funny thing is that my experience finding my Brad fulfilled these dreams and continues to- he was made just for me and I was made just for him. Another dream was going to Italy which I was able to do last year. Of course I have some unfulfilled dreams I am working towards- being a mom, serving a mission, traveling to Ireland, reading all the great classics, being a foster parent, ect. As I look at my life today I'm quite happy with where I've been, where I am, and where I am going and I guess if at the end of the day I feel this way that will be fulfillment.

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