Creative, somewhat entertaining, liked the Latino creative writing, not my favorite but made me think. Solitude. What is solitude. Can you be completely alone though you are surrounded by people. Do we all live a life of solitude at some time in our life. Each of the main characters in this book are drawn to inevitable solitude and have to find ways to negotiate with it. Interesting book. I'm not exactly one of those people who likes solitude though I know it is necessary at times. I always dreaded weekends in high-school when, and they happen to us all, I didn't have plans. The same dread occurred in college when all my roomates had plans but me. I even made a list once of things I could do by myself and be happy. I'm simply a social person, but even social people need to find ways to negotiate with solitude. As luck would have it my husband is a PhD student spending immense amounts of time with his work- though he spends time with me each week and is a sweetheart- so I'm not complaining too loud as I've been a graduate student and spent all of my time with my studies too. But the point is I have come to negotiate with solitude- though I have ample friends and family-you can't be with people all the time or if you are, like many evenings with my husband while he works, you still feel alone. In order to negotiate with solitude like the characters in the book I create projects, goals, clubs, blogs and I simply have to organize my week to have a social agenda.